Kitchen Faucet
by Hiroki Morinoue
Mokuhanga (Japanese wood cut print)
Upcoming Mokuhanga Workshops
with Hiroki Morinoue
Hiroki Morinoue
Anderson Ranch
Mokuhanga, the Baren and Printing at Home
Sep 11 - 22, 2023
This exciting printmaking intensive focuses on mokuhanga, a water-based Japanese woodblock printmaking method. This unique process involves hand carving, is environmentally friendly, and is able to be done at home at any scale, at any time, and in any place. The class discipline is to create a dialog between storytelling and a relationship with color, form, and space as a narrative in a diptych or long format. The students compose and recompose prints to create complex images printed from beautiful shina wood onto traditional Japanese mulberry paper.
Traditional and modern mokuhanga
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